‘Attention during interaction is personal, not a given fact.’
Misha Croes was a researcher within the Situated Art and Design research group from 2018 until 2019. He is also a tutor at the Communication & Multimedia Design programme at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch.
Misha Croes studied Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology, obtaining a BA in 2008. During his master he completed his internship at Philips Healthcare Shanghai and completed two successful projects. He graduated with the project FamilyArizing in 2010. In 2011 he was awarded the ZonMw thesis innovation prize for this project.
Misha started as an all-round developer at Sense Company in Tilburg in 2014. Here he designed personalised scent experiences. Misha is currently working as a Prototyping tutor at the Communication & Multimedia Design programme.
The Design of Everyday Smart Things (2018 – 2019)
This research project focuses on design methodologies for designing smart products.
Croes M. & van Dartel, M. (2020) The Interaction Attention Continuum: An Education Application Study. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI ’20.
Croes M. & van Dartel, M. (in preparation) The Interaction Attention Continuum: An Education Application Study.
Research Group: Situated Art, Design and Technology
Living in cities developed around data and acting within the inscrutable structure of our techno-society demands art and design that can help understand how we relate to these rapidly changing surroundings and to reflect on that relationship. The research group Situated Art, Design and Technology responds to this exigency by fostering a situated turn in art and design through a diverse portfolio of interdisciplinary research projects in partnership with academic and cultural partners, as well as with government and industry.
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