

  • Cultural and Creative Industries
  • Situated Art and Design
  • Biobased Art and Design
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Below you find the full list of publications produced by Caradt researchers and professors. The list is very diverse, ranging from peer reviewed conference papers to student project websites. Each result is the optimal intended research goal as the outcome of a plan made by the researcher in collaboration with the professor. There is no indexing or ranking.


Faber, M., & de Rooij, A. (2024). Is a wandering mind a novelty-seeking mind? The curious case of incubation.arrow Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47, e97.

Fotiadi, S.E. (2024) Multisensory Technologies for Inclusive Exhibition Spaces: Disability Access Meets Artistic and Curatorial Researcharrow Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8, no. 8: 74.

Risseeuw, C., Mcquillan, H., Martins, J., and Karana, E. (2024) (Re)activate, (Re)direct, (Re)arrange: Exploring the Design Space of Direct Interactions with Flavobacteria.arrow In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 705, 1–18.

de Rooij, A., & Mose Biskjaer, M. (2024). Expecting the unexpected: A review of surprise in design processes.arrow In Proceedings of the 2024 Design Research Society Conference (DRS2024), article 62.

van den Broek, S., Rovers, I., and Calcan, F. (2024) Material experience and user acceptance of mycelium bio-composite insulation in the construction industry through interdisciplinary co-designarrow, in Gray, C., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA.

van den Broek, S., Sankaran, S., de Wit, J., & de Rooij, A. (Accepted/In press). Exploring the Supportive Role of Artificial Intelligence in Participatory Design: A Systematic Review.arrow Paper presented at Participatory Design Conference, Sibu, Malaysia.


Ashby, S., Hanna, J., De Rooij, A., Kasprzak, M., Hoekstra, J., & Bos, S. (2023, June). Articulating (Uncertain) AI Futures of Artistic Practice: A Speculative Design and Manifesto Sprint Approach.arrow In Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Creativity and Cognition (pp. 312-318).

Buso, A., McQuillan, H., Voorwinden, M., Karana, E. (accepted, 2023) Weaving Textile-form Interfaces: A Material-Driven Design Journeyarrow, DIS’23.

Kim, R., Risseeuw, C., Groutars, E., Karana, E. (2023) Surfacing Livingness in Microbial Displays: A Design Taxonomy for HCIarrow, CHI ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2023, Article No.: 156.

McQuillan, H. and Karana, E. (2023) Conformal, Seamless, Sustainable: Multimorphic Textile-forms as a Material-Driven Design Approach for HCIarrow, CHI ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Article No.: 727.

McCartney, G., O’Connor, J., Olma, S. et al. Culture as an objective for and a means of achieving a Wellbeing EconomyarrowHumanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 718 (2023).

Risseeuw, C., Martinez Castro, J. F., Barla, P., & Karana, E. (2023). FlavoMetrics: Towards a Digital Tool to Understand and Tune Living Aesthetics of Flavobacteria.arrow In DIS ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 2079–2092). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Zhou, J., Kim, R., Doubrovski, Z., Martins, J., Giaccardi, E., Karana, E. (accepted, 2023) Cyano-chromic Interface: Aligning Human-Microbe Temporalities Towards Noticing and Attending to Living Artefactsarrow, DIS’23.

de Rooij, A., & de Wit, J. (2023). Co-Creation with Social Robots. In CLE Digital Creativityarrow (pp. 12-13).

de Rooij, A., Hanna, J., Ashby, S., & Kasprzak, M. (2023). Helaas Pindakaas: ChatGPT schrijft je e-mails, maar het is geen Ron Blauw.arrow Tekst [blad], 2023(2), 6-9.

de Rooij, A., van den Broek, S., Bouw, M., & de Wit, J. (2023). Co-Designing with a Social Robot Facilitator: Effects of Robot Mood Expression on Human Group Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (pp. 22-29).

de Rooij, A. (2023). Inner Speaking and Uncertainty during Idea Generation.arrow The Journal of Creative Behavior, 57(3), 331-465.

de Rooij, A. (2023). Internal Dialogue, Creative Potential, and Creative Achievement.arrow Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 43(2), 105-128.


Fotiadi, E. 2022, On Southerness in contemporary art and theory, in Revisiting documenta 14’s magazine South as a State of Mind, special issue: Greece and the South, Journal of Greek Media & Culture, 8/2, 207–25. (peer reviewed)

Hilhorst, M., Contributors: van den Eijnde, J., van Dartel, M., Joore, P. & van Beurden, K. (2022) A closer look at collaboration for impact through applied design researcharrow, Collaboration for Impact magazine, Translation: Martz, L.

Hazekamp, R., Lykke, N. (oct. 2022) Ancestral Conviviality. How I fell in love with queer crittersarrow, FORUM+, Volume 29, Issue 3, Oct 2022, p. 30 – 36.

Karpinski, T. (2022) Ener-geyser, Artistic works ISEA2022 ‘Possibilities’, screened at the CCCB and CERC auditoriums.

Lugthart, S. & van Dartel, M. (in press) Designing Situated Learning Environments for Media Design Education: A Case Study, in AIGA DEC, & Zahabi, L. (Ed.), SHIFTarrow.

Olma, S. (jan. 2022) ‘Nawoord’, Mark Fisher, Kapitalistisch Realismearrow, Vertaling: Menno Grootveld, Amsterdam: Starfish Books, 105–126.

Roberts, D. & van Dartel, M. (submitted) Inviting self-transcendence into everyday activities: An art installation exploratory case study.

Tempelaar, B. (oct. 2022), Het uitlenen van witte murenarrow, in De Groene Amsterdammer nr.43.

Witter, M., de Rooij, A., van Dartel, M. & Krahmer, E. (nov. 2022) Bridging a sensory gap between deaf and hearing people–A plea for a situated design approach to sensory augmentationarrow, PERSPECTIVE article, in Frontiers in Computer Science.

Wieland, B., de Wit, J., & de Rooij, A. (submitted) Collaborative Brainstorming with a Chatbot: A Good Idea Due to Reduced Evaluation Apprehension?


Fotiadi, E. (2021) Community Art. Between situatedness and globalization, A Public Art Handbook, Ed. Angeliki Avgitidou, University Studio Press. [in Greek]

Fotiadi, E. (2021) On the adventures of site-specificity: documenta 14 in Athens and Maria Eichhorn’s Art Project Building as Unowned Propertyarrow, Field. A Journal of Socially Engaged Art Criticism, issue 18/19, spring.

Gozzo, M., Koelink Wolderdorp, M., & de Rooij, A. (2021) Creative Collaboration with the “Brain” of a Search Engine: Effects on Cognitive Stimulation and Evaluation Apprehension,arrow in ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation, Creative Heritage. New Perspectives from Media Arts and Artificial Intelligence. 10th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2021, Virtual Event, December 2-3, 2021, Proceedings (pp.209-223)

Lugthart, S. & van Dartel, M. (2021) Simulating Professional Practice in STEAM Education: A Case Study,arrow European Journal of STEM Education, 6(1), 17.

Olma, S. ( jan 2021) The Post-Contemporary: A Speculative Debate, Making and Breakingarrow, Caradt Online Journal, vol 2.

Olma, S.;  Henry, U. & Panda, A. (2021) Making and Breakingarrow, Caradt Online Journal, vol 2.

Olma, S. (2021) The Post-Contemporary: A Speculative Debatearrow Making and Breaking, Caradt Online Journal, vol 2

Rebergen, E.; Eikelboom, W. & Olma, S. (2021) ‘Looking for Trouble: Raising and Tackling Problems Through Design Research’, P. Joore, G. Stompff, J. van den Eijnde (eds.) Images of Design Research, Rotterdam: NADR, 100–110. Nederlands: Looking for Trouble. Problemen oprakelen en aankaarten door ontwerponderzoek. In P. Joure, G. Stompff, J. van den Eijnde (Reds.), Beelden van Applied Design Research. Nederland: Network Applied Design Research.

Stuart,B.; Bromet, A.; Dekker, A.; Frissen, R.; Hutak, M.; Idrissi, A. (2021) Expeditie Vrije Ruimte & Verkenning Vrije Ruimte, Officieel advies expert-team voor de Gemeente Amsterdamarrow.

Tempelaar, B., Houben, H. & Leijdekkers, R. (2021), arrowonline journal.

Tempelaar, B., Houben, H. & Leijdekkers, R. (2021) De kunstwereld als immuunsysteemarrow, Charlotte Feijen, Metropolis M, 8 October.

Tempelaar, B., Houben, H. & Leijdekkers, R. (2021) Schoonmaakactie voor alle lichaamsdelen, Lucette Ter Borg, NRC handelsblad, 15 September.

Tempelaar, B., Houben, H. & Leijdekkers, R. (2021) Nuummi, kinderboek over overleven en het immuunsysteem, eigen uitgave.

Tempelaar, B. (ed.) (2021) The Space Conductors are Among Usarrow, Met bijdragen van: Adlandsvik, S., Blumenschein, S., Demollin, T., Dirrix, T., Hehewerth, D, & Tee Lee, V.,  Kraule-Kuna, I. & Vitola, E., Mangano, D. & Van Rooy, M., Molenda, A., Tempelaar, B., Serapinas, A, Sully, I., The Artist, Vahtra, A., Vaikla, I., Vrancken, R., Amsterdam: editie P/////AKT.

Vrhoci, D. & Weigl, F. (2021) Art & Care, Van Dartel, M.F. (ed.), V2_: Rotterdam.

Yin, A. (2021) On Post-Temporarinessarrow, Making and Breaking, Caradt Online Journal, vol 2.

de Rooij, A., Wijers, I., & Marinussen, M. (2021) Emergence of Metacognitive Knowledge via Audible Pupil Sizearrow, In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE2021), article 18. (Best paper award)


Asselbergs, B. & van Dartel, M. (2020) Situated Design Methods in Urban Planning: An educational research case study. AMPS conference on Experiential Design – Rethinking relations between people, objects and environments).

Barati, B., Karana, E., & Hekkert, P. (2020), Understanding Experiential Qualities of Light-Touch-Matters: Towards a Tool Kitarrow, Journal of Design Thinking, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-20.

Croes M. & van Dartel, M. (2020) The Interaction Attention Continuum: An Education Application Studyarrow. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI ’20.

Croes M. & van Dartel, M. (2020) The Interaction Attention Continuum: An Education Application Studyarrow. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI ’20.

Dijksterhuis, E. (2020) Zelfs de rand van Amsterdam wordt te duur voor kunstenaars, Interviewarrow met o.a. Bart Stuart in Parool, 4 November.

Gloerich, I., de Waal, M., Ferri, G. Cila, N., Karpinski, T. (2020) The City as a Licence. Implications of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers for Urban Governance (Frontiers2020).

Hazekamp, R. (2020) Unlearning Photographyarrow, Mister Motley, Motley College.

Heerkens, N. (2020) An Invitation to DANCE, 26th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2020)

Heerkens, N. (2020) THE COLLAB, een videofilm over de workshop en presentatie New Media & Performance.

Hoegen, Ph. (2020), ANOTHER VERSION: Thinking Through Performing, published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven, in collaboration with Caradt.

Karana, E., Rognoli, V., & Jacob-Dazarola, R. (2020) The Role of Design in the Development of New Materials: Interview with Elvin Karanaarrow, Diseña, (17), 46-55.

Karana, E., Barati, B., & Giaccardi, E. (2020) Living artefacts: Conceptualizing livingness as a material quality in everyday artefactsarrow,  International Journal of Design, 14(3), 37-53.

Karana, E. (2020), Still Alive: Livingness as a Material Quality in Design, Breda Avans University of Applied Sciences, ISBN: 978-90-76861-61-6.arrow

Lugthart, S. & van Dartel, M. (submitted) Designing Situated Learning Environments for Media Design Education: A case study.

Nouwens, M., Heerkens, N. & van Dartel, M. (2020), An Invitation to DANCE: Making Sense of Viewer Interaction in Installation Art.arrow (ISEA2020)

Olma, S; Schouten, B; Verveld, B; Straver, D; Osterloh, E; Cramer, F; Kresin, F; Boomgaard, J.; Haggis-Burridge, M.; Shah, N.; Sonderen, P.; Benschop, R.; Blom, S. (2020) Een derde cyclus voor de kunst- en creatieve sector,  Propositie pilot derde cyclus hbo / cluster Kunst+Creatief, Succesvol ingediend bij ministerie OCW.

Olma, S. & Stuart, B. (2020) Kunst en Cultuur in Brabant: Betekenis en Vermogen, Caradt-interne onderzoeksrapportage.

Palmer, O. (submitted) Scriptych: A choreographed performance integrating a novel gestural interface for retrieving symbols from a three-dimensional database, (ISEA2020)

Roberts, D. (2020) Magic Tea, towards everyday transcendence,arrow Master Thesis.

Roberts, D. & van Dartel, M. (submitted) Inviting self-transcendence into everyday activities through tangible IoT.

Stuart, B. & Van der Lippe, K. (2020) Kunst is Lang, Mister Motley.arrow

Stuart, B. & Kraaijeveld, J. (2020) Geen Stad Zonder Kunst, Onderzoeksrapport i.o.v. Platform BK & Kunstenbond.arrow

Stuart, B. (aug 2020), Vrije ruimte in Amsterdam?, Amsterdam Alternativearrow, #32.

Stig, M. (dec 2020) Navigeren doe je met je neus, Martine Stig over het portret van de toekomst, Interview Mondriaanfonds.

Stig, M. (oct 2020) Publication of series Through a Glass Darkly, (4 images) FD-magazine.

Tempelaar, B.; Houben, H. & Leijdekkers, R. (2020) The Practice of…, Rotterdam: A Tale of a Tub.

Veelaert, L., Du Bois. E., Moons, I., Karana, E. (2020) Experiential characterization of materials in product design: A literature reviewarrow, Materials and Design, 190: 108543.

Witter, M. (2020) Gesitueerde ontwerpmethoden voor het ontwerp van Sensory Substitution toepassingen voor mensen met een zintuiglijke beperking, Promotiebeurs voor leraren, NWO.

Zhou, L., Barati, B., Wu, J., Scherer, D., Karana, E. (2020) Digital biofabrication to realize the potentials of plant roots for product designarrow, Bio-design and Manufacturing, 4, pages 111–122 (2021).


Hoegen, Ph. (2019), co-editor ‘Fair Arts Almanac’, published by State of the Arts, BE

Karpinski, T., Cila, N., Gloerich, I., Meys, W., de Waal, M. (2019) “Peak Shaving Time”, We Make The City festival, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Lugthart, S. & van Dartel, M. (2019). Teaching Situated Actions: A case study. In: M. Carmo (ed.) International Conference on Education and New Developments (END 2019)arrow Volume I. InScience Press: Portugal, pp. 202-206.

Nazli, C., Gloerich, I., Ferri, G., de Waal, M. and Karpinski, T., The Blockchain and the Commons: Dilemmas in the Design of Local Platforms. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI ’20

Olma, S. (2019) “Cultural Production and Emancipatory Social Changearrow”, in: Making and Breaking, Caradt Online Journal, vol 1.

Olma, S. & Reed, P. (2019), Making and Breakingarrow, Caradt Online Journal, vol 1.

Olma, S. (2019) “Ideology and the City: De Zwijger as An-aesthetic Interfacearrow”, Amsterdam Alternative, #24, May-June, p. 5.

Olma, S. (2019) “First Aid in Case of Art: 20 Years of OT301 in Contextarrow”, Amsterdam Alternative, #27, Nov-Dec, p.3.

Recano, L. (2019), Hackerare il realismo capitalista: serendipità, innovazione sociale e politiche di emancipazione – Intervista a Sebastian Olmaarrow, TRU, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, October 10.

Recano, L. (2019) “Hacking Capitalist Realism: on serendipity, social innovation and emancipatory politics – Interview with Sebastian Olmaarrow”, Institute of Network Cultures, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, June 24.

Stig, M. (2019) Publication of series Profiles (7 images and small text about research at Caradt), De Correspondent.

Stig, M. (dec.2019) Publication of series Profiles (7 images and small text about research at Caradt), De Correspondent.

Van Dartel, M., & de Rooij, A. (2019). The Innovation Potential of Sensory Augmentation for Public Space. In: Park, J., Nam, J. & Park, J.W. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art.arrow Gwangju, Korea, Republic of. Pp.79-84.

YAFF (2019), Manifesto: We Are Young Artists, Weimar, Digital Bauhaus Summit.


Asselbergs, B. & van Dartel, M. (submitted) Situated Design Methods in Urban Planning: An educational research case study.

Asselbergs, B. & van Dartel, M. (2018) Situated Design Methods in Urban Planning: A case study. In: N. Nigten (Ed.) Proceedings of Balance Unbalance 2018: New Value Systems – Sustainability and Social Impact as Drivers for Value Creation

Barati, B., Giaccardi, E., & Karana, E. (2018). The making of performativity in designing [with] smart material composites. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI18) (pp.5:15:11). ACM. 

Croes M. & van Dartel, M.  (in preparation) The Interaction Attention Continuum: An Education Application Study.

Eikelboom, W. (2018) ‘Ethereal Scent. The Sense of Smell and the Posthuman Experience.’ Posthuman Glossary ed. Rosi Braidotti & Maria Hlavajova: Bloomsbury: 138-140.

Hoegen, Ph. (2018), Body of Books: The BAS Collection, performatieve tekst over het kunstenaars initiatief BAS in Istanbul, uitgegeven door Collectorspace, Inc, New York/Istanbul.

Hoegen, Ph. (2018), Ventriloquists III, uitgegeven door The Society for Artistic Research in Proceedings 9th SAR Conference: Artistic Research Will Eat Itself.

Heerkens, N. (2018) An Invitation to DANCE, Catalogus CINEDANS

Olma, S. (2018), Art & Autonomy: Past – Present – Future, Rotterdam: V2_.

Plough, J. (2018) A conversation with Michel van Dartel. In: Lomme, F. & Plough, J. (Eds.)  We Are The Market! Onomatopee: Eindhoven.

Ruhl, A., de Rooij, A., van Dartel, M. (2018) The Artistic Potential of Tactile Vision Interfaces: A First Look. In Proceedings of the ACM Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction TEI’18. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 73-79. DOI: (Best Work in Progress)

Rebergen, E. (2018) “Provocative community-based humanitarian designarrow”, BunB Programme & proceedings.

Swart, S. (2018) Nederlands e-cultuurbeleid niet langer toonaangevend: Interview met Marleen Stikker, Michel van Dartel en Anne Nigten, Boekman 116: Kunst & Techniek

Stig, M. (2018), Interviewarrow over onderzoek Vertigo en tentoonstelling Seeing without a Seer door Robert van Altena, voor Springvossen.

Stig, M. (2018) DEEP / FLAT (publicatie bij tentoonstelling, Hans Gremmen, essay Basje Boer) (Caradt genoemd in colofon).

Stig, M, (2018) Seeing without a Seer, publicatie bij tentoonstelling, Hans Gremmen, Caradt genoemd in colofon en artikel)

Stig, M. (2018) Walking in the City, HD 11:32, (film, Caradt genoemd in de aftiteling).

Van Dartel, M. & de Rooij, A. (2018) Sensory Augmentation for Public Space. In: Nigten A. (2018) Proceedings of Balance Unbalance 2018: New Value Systems – Sustainability and Social Impact as Drivers for Value Creation, 41-42. Van Dartel, M. & de Rooij, A. (submitted) Sensory Augmentation for Public Space

Van Dartel, M.F. and Nigten, A. (2018) The Value of Waste. LEONARDO 51(2). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2018) Art and Design Pedagogies after the Situated Turn. In: Snepvangers, K., and Davis, S. (Eds). Embodied and walking pedagogies engaging the visual domain: Research co-creation and practice. Common Ground Publishing: Champaign IL.


Hoegen, Ph. (2018), Body of Books: The BAS Collectionarrow, performative text about the artist initiative BAS in Istanbul, published by Collectorspace, Inc, New York/Istanbul.

Lugthart, S., van Dartel, M., Quispel, A. (2017),  Plans versus Situated Actions in Immersive Storytelling Practices, arrowIn N. Nunes, I. Oakley, and V. Nisi, (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 10690: Interactive Storytelling (pp. 38-45). Springer: Berlin.

Olma, S. and Altena, A. (2017), Serendipity, Sagacity, Politicsarrow, V2_ Blog.

Olma, S. and Reljic, T. (2017), Cities of justice: Reclaiming Valletta from the Market Forces of Gentrification, Malta Today, November 13.

Olma, S. (2017), Raum für Müssiggang und Spinnerei – Für eine Radikale Politik der Innovation,” ChangeX, 4. April.

Olma, S. (2017),  In Defence of Serendipity. The Silicon Emperor is Wearing No Cloths, arrowThe Conversation (Australia), June 13.

Olma, S. (2017), Using Usership: A (Hopefully) Useful Introduction, In Erik Haagort et. al. Usersip, Breda, Avans University of Applied Sciences.

Olma, S. (2017), For the Scene Needs Changing: Notes on Paul Segers’ Comradeship with Time,” Paul Segers The Scene Needs Changing, Eindhoven, Onomatopee.

Olma, S. (2017), In Defence of Serendipity, Audio Book: Audible.

Olma, S. (2017), Art and Autonomy: Past, Present, Future, Rotterdam: V2_.

Ruhl, A., de Rooij, A., van Dartel, M. (2017), The Artistic Potential of Tactile Vision Interfaces: A First Lookarrow, In Proceedings of the ACM Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction TEI’18.

Rebergen, E. (2017), Geen voorgeprogrammeerde disruptie maar furieus onderwijs voor creatievelingen, (Blog lectoraat Netwerkcultuur HvA), 3 Juli.

Stig, M. (2017), Radical Reversibility, Publicatie Hans Gremmen, Fw-books.

Stig, M. (2017), Planar, HD 8:54, film.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2017), A conversation, In: Lomme, F. & Plough, J. (Eds.) We Are The Market! Onomatopee: Eindhoven.

Van Dartel, M.F. and Nigten, A. (2017), The Value of Wastearrow, LEONARDO 51(2). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2017), Art and Design Pedagogies after the Situated Turn, In: Snepvangers, K., and Davis, S. (Eds) (in press). Embodied and walking pedagogies engaging the visual domain: Research co-creation and practice. Common Ground Publishing: Champaign IL.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2017), Menselijke waarden bij technologie,  arrowIn: WMNL State of the Art. Vereniging Deltametropool: Rotterdam.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2017), Unravelling Human Situatedness Through Art arrowIn T. van der Zouwen & M. Spindler (Eds.) Flow beyond Systems. Challenging Organisations and Systems (COS), 6(2), pp.1121-1136.

Witter, M. & Calvi, L. (2017), Enabling Augmented Sense-Making (and Pure Experience) with Wearable Technologyarrow, In Y. Chisik, J. Holopainen, R. Khaled, J.L. Silva & P.A. Silva (Eds.) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) 215: Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, pp. 136-141. Springer: Berlin.

de Rooij, A., van Dartel, M., Ruhl, A., Schraffenberger, H., van Melick, B., Bontje, M., Daams, M., and Witter, M. (2017), Sensory Augmentation Interfaces: A Dialogue between the Arts and Sciences, arrowIn A. Brooks, Brooks, E. & Vidakis, N. (Eds.) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST): Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation. Springer: Berlin.


Gerritsen, M. (red.) en Olma S. (red.) (2016) Beeldcultuurkrant van Dada naar Data, Breda, MOTI Museum Of The Image.

Gerritsen, M. (Eds.) and Olma S. (Eds.) (2016), From Data to Dada,arrow Breda, MOTI Museum Of The Image.

Olma, S. (2016),  University as Übungsraum. In: Higher Education and the Creative Economy: Beyond the Campus,
London, Routledge.

Olma, S. (2016), Autonomy and Weltbezug. Towards an Aesthetic of Performative Defiancearrow,
Breda, Avans university of Applied Sciences.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2016), The Cloud is full of Dadaarrow In: From Dada to Data (Gerritsen M. and Olma, S. (Eds.)) Museum of the Image, Breda

Van Dartel, M.F. and Nigten, A. (2016) The Value of Waste. LEONARDO

Van Dartel, M.F. (2016), Unravelling Human Situatedness Through Art. In: van der Zouwen, T. and Spindler, M. (Eds.) Flow beyond Systems. Challenging Organisations and Systems (COS). Volume 6 (2)

Van Dartel, M. (Eds.). and Coupland, D. (2016), Machines will make better choices than arrowHumansarrow, V2_Publishing: Rotterdam, NL.

Van Dartel, M.F. and Altena, A. (2016), Data in the 21st Century. In: Futurosity (Meessen, Y. and Slater, M. (Eds.), Rotterdam: Kunstblock.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2016), Art and Design Pedagogies after the Situated Turn. In: Snepvangers, K., and Davis, S. (Eds.). Embodied and walking pedagogies engaging the visual domain: Research co-creation and practice. Common Ground Publishing: Champaign IL.

Van Dartel, M.F. (2016), Aesthetics in the Wild: Art and Design Practices and Pedagogies after the Situated Turnarrow, Breda, Avans University of Applied Sciences.


Bool F. (2012), De Dam als plaats van herinnering / De Dam als fotografische databankarrow, website, AKV|St.Joost, Breda

Van Winkel, C., Gielen P, and Zwaan K. (2012), De hybridisering van de kunstenaarspraktijkarrow, onderzoeksverslag, ’s-Hertogenbosch, AKV|St.Joost ism Fontys Hogeschool, Tilburg


Rosler M. (2010), Culture class: Art, Creativity, Urbanismarrow, publicatie van de derde Hermeslezing, ’s-Hertogenbosch, AKV|St.Joost, ism Hermes Business network (Dutch AND English)


Van der Waarde, K. (2009), On Graphic Design: listening to the readerarrow, Over grafisch ontwerpen: luisteren naar de lezer? – lectorale rede grafisch ontwerpen, Breda, Avans Hogeschool (English version)


Bool F. (2008), Duitsland sinds 1945 door het oog van Nederlandse fotografenarrow, lectorale rede fotografie, (wegens copyright zonder beeld), Avans Hogeschool, Breda

Gillick, L. (2008), Maybe it would be better if we worked in groups of three?arrow, publication of the second Hermes lecture, ’s-Hertogenbosch, AKV|St.Joost in co-operation with Hermes Business network (English version)

Gillick, L. (2008), Maybe it would be better if we worked in groups of three?arrow, publicatie van de tweede Hermeslezing, ’s-Hertogenbosch, AKV|St.Joost ism Hermes Business network (Dutch version)


Wall J., (2006), Depiction, Object, Eventarrow, publication of the first Hermes lecture, ’s-Hertogenbosch, AKV|St.Joost in co-operation with Hermes Business network (English version)

Wall J., (2006), Depiction, Object, Eventarrow, publicatie van de eerste Hermeslezing, ’s-Hertogenbosch, AKV|St.Joost ism Hermes Business network (Dutch version)

Bogdescu, O., Biskjaer, M., & de Rooij, A. (accepted), Implementation Intention as a Debiasing Intervention for a Bias Blind Spot among UX Practitioners,arrow In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the Design Research Society (DRS 2022).

Fotiadi, E (forthcoming 2023), Welcome and enjoy the ruins, in Aesthetics of Crisis, Ed. by Julia Tulke, The Digital Press of the University of North Dakota.

Fantini van Ditmar D., Galdon, F., & Hall, A. (2024) Design Future(s); a new educational framework for design education in the 21st Centuryarrow. The Future of Design Education. Proceedings of InFuSED23. Springer.

Fantini van Ditmar, D., Broach, Z and Bartlett, S. (2023) Entanglements of Wastelands of Fashion. Proceeding of Relating Systems Thinking and Designarrow. Research Design Association 12.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2023) A Not Too Comfortable Future. Design for the Unthinkable-World: Strange Ecology and Unwelcome Change. Edited by Rodgers, P., Bremner, C., &; Innella, G. Routledge.

Fantini van Ditmar, D., Galdon, F., &Hall, A. (2022) Deep Products; a multi-dimensional taxonomy of subtraction-by-design approachesarrow — Design in the Frame of Circular Economy: Creation, Valorisation and Reception. ARXIU journal: 2022 Valencia World Design Capital.

Fantini D. (2023) Juan Downey: Invisible Architecturearrow. 100 x 100 Diseño en Chile. Pozo Marcic Ensamble.

Fantini van Ditmar D, Lehtinen,S, Ozkaramanli, D, Nagenborg M, Ferrarelo L and Schwobel-Pateld C (2022) Conversation: Design + Ethics: How is it more than the sum of its parts?arrow Conversations – DRS 2022 Bilbao

Fantini van Ditmar, D and Lehtinen, S (2022) 5G Dossier. Mediapolisarrow. Dossiers, no. 3, vol. 7.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2022) A Not Too Comfortable Future. RESTORE cataloguearrow. Design Museum.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2021) Int ‘smart’:: cities (void) {If (equality ) { // ?. Equality in the City: Imaginaries of the Smart Future.arrow Mediated Cities Series with Intellect, UK. Series editor Graham Cairns.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2020) #103 A SMART Theory of Design[ing] and #104 A 1.5°C Theory of Design[ing]. 118 Theories of Design(ing).arrow Ed. Paul Rodgers; Craig Bremner. Vernon Press.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2020) The IdIoT in the SMART Home.arrow Architecture and the Smart City. Critiques Series. New York: Routledge.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2019) “A Better Place: Towards a Collective Intelligence for Europe”. A project funded by the European Commission.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2019) A Circular ‘Smart’ Worldarrow. Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New. Springer.

Fantini D. (2019) Juan Downey: Invisible Architecturearrow. 100 x 100 Diseño en Chile. BTG Pactual.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2017) Deconstructing the ‘Smart’ Homearrow. Cybernetics: state of the art. TU Berlin University Press.

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2017) The Algorithmic Desertarrow. Ghost Pavillion publication. La Biennale di Venezia, 57th International Art Exhibition. Reflektor M. München, DE

Fantini van Ditmar, D. (2017) Design Research: The IdIoT’s Role in the ‘SMART’ Homearrow. Revista Diseña 11, pp.122 – 133.

Fantini van Ditmar, D & Lockton, D. (2015) Taking the code for a walkarrow. Interactions, 23 (1), pp. 68-71.

van Ditmar D. F. & Glanville R. (eds.) (2013) Listening: Proceedings of ASC conference 2011. Special double issue of Cybernetics & Human Knowing 20 (1–2).

van den Broek, S., de Rooij, A., & van Dartel, M. (accepted), Living with Living Artefacts: Six Concepts for Designing User Acceptance of Living Artefacts, In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the Design Research Society (DRS 2022).

‘Without collaboration, impact is impossible. So… let's connect, and make a sustainable impact on society.’

Wouter Meys arrow

‘How can art and design cultivate critical expressions rooted in ethics of care and relationality to influence ecological, social, and economic structures?’

Delfina Fantini van Ditmar arrow

‘People are the product of their relationships with their environment. It’s important to understand how technological developments influence these relationships.’

Michel van Dartel arrow

‘Our research group investigates the role artists, designers and cultural producers in general can play in developing the aesthetics and poetics of a desirable future.’

Sebastian Olma arrow

‘‘How will our graduates make a living without selling their soul?’’

Sepp Eckenhaussen arrow

‘In social and cultural research there is increasing importance in research methodologies and devices that cut across fields and disciplines, becoming transdisciplinary.’

Jess Henderson arrow

‘My practice is situated in between different actors, in this shape-shifting middle many things can happen.’

Tara Karpinski arrow

‘Imagination is the key to a strong inclusive society. Artistic work and situated design can contribute to a better understanding of the other.’

Jenny van den Broeke arrow

‘Investigating the potential of sensory augmentation to bridge the sensory gap between deaf and hearing.’

Michel Witter arrow

‘As a result of my current research, I ask the students the questions “what is your work” and “what works for you.’

Rob Leijdekkers arrow

‘It is through the “not-knowing” that a stimulating and caring environment can be created to confidently share vulnerability.’

Risk Hazekamp arrow

‘‘Understanding how creativity and imagination emerge from interactions with our environment will lead to improved innovation processes, tools and technologies.’’

Alwin de Rooij arrow

‘Through an interplay of design and research, the apt questions and necessary tools can be discovered and applied to each research project.’

Antal Ruhl arrow

‘How can we disrupt the notion of being human while staying true to being humane?’

Wander Eikelboom arrow

‘Humans are atmospheric beings, particles, dust, in intimate cycles of exchange, actors with an incredible force.’

Annemarie Piscaer arrow

‘How do we live together, how do we work together? How do we give shape and form to ‘being together’ in the broadest sense?’

Bas van den Hurk arrow

‘Could experimental sensory translation of art works improve their accessibility for sensory diverse exhibition audiences?’

Eva Fotiadi arrow

‘Disrupting our contemporary society can be a serious design goal.’

Eke Rebergen arrow

‘I’m interested in how we can implement situated learning within design education.’

Sarah Lugthart arrow

‘Within my practice I create spaces for introspection while exploring ethical dilemmas. ’

Renée van Oploo arrow

‘How can the notion of the ‘script’ be used in a situated design practice? ’

Ollie Palmer arrow

‘The ultimate goal is to provide people with the information, skills and tools that enable them to improve the quality of their daily lives.’

Simone van den Broek arrow

‘A bio lab is a place of working with living organisms, brought out of their habitat so we can learn to think outside of the Petri dish. Let’s take care of these teachers!’

Michaela Davidová arrow

‘My background in visual art makes me very involved in the content of the expertise centre.’

Wilma Diepens arrow

‘I support Caradt's mission to redefine the intersection of art, design, and technology by enhancing the synergy between administration and innovative research. ’

Juliëtte Cuijpers arrow

‘I am committed to ensure the highest quality in research, helping art and design play a transformative role in society through rigorous and integrative approaches.’

Anouk van Honk arrow

‘I am dedicated to give a voice to stories and perspectives that have not yet been heard.’

Liza Swaving arrow

‘To foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaborative innovation at Caradt, I am dedicated to communicate findings and innovations effectively. ’

Eline Timmermans arrow

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