Centre of Applied Research for
Art, Design and Technology
CARADT joins...CARADT joins international experts on...
Paper presentation at Participatory Design Conference 2024Paper presentation at Participatory...
Workshop ‘Un-mining’ for Design CampusWorkshop ‘Un-mining’ for...
Second skin: microbiome-centric dining exhibitionSecond skin: microbiome-centric dining...
Learning and collaborating at the River Summer Camp in...Learning and collaborating at the River...
Presentation of immersive design methods at EASST4S 2024Presentation of immersive design methods...
New collaboration agreement between Avans University of...New collaboration agreement between...
Innovative student...Innovative student explorations at the...
Launch of ‘Art...Launch of ‘Art in...
Situated Design for Digital Trust
Terroir: Mapping Data Through Material in the Wild
Unlearning Photography: Listening to Cyanobacteria
Critically deploy or resist algorithmic technologies
Dilemmas for Artists and Designers
Artistic Practices in Shared Spaces
A learning ecosystem for creation and innovation: exercises in ecosystem contamination, assembly and collectivity.
Scripted Performances
Embodied Interaction
Bridging Perspectives
‘Without collaboration, impact is impossible. So… let's connect, and make a sustainable impact on society.’
Wouter Meys
‘How can art and design cultivate critical expressions rooted in ethics of care and relationality to influence ecological, social, and economic structures?’
Delfina Fantini van Ditmar
‘People are the product of their relationships with their environment. It’s important to understand how technological developments influence these relationships.’
Michel van Dartel
‘Our research group investigates the role artists, designers and cultural producers in general can play in developing the aesthetics and poetics of a desirable future.’
Sebastian Olma
‘‘How will our graduates make a living without selling their soul?’’
Sepp Eckenhaussen
‘In social and cultural research there is increasing importance in research methodologies and devices that cut across fields and disciplines, becoming transdisciplinary.’
Jess Henderson
‘My practice is situated in between different actors, in this shape-shifting middle many things can happen.’
Tara Karpinski
‘Imagination is the key to a strong inclusive society. Artistic work and situated design can contribute to a better understanding of the other.’
Jenny van den Broeke
‘Investigating the potential of sensory augmentation to bridge the sensory gap between deaf and hearing.’
Michel Witter
‘As a result of my current research, I ask the students the questions “what is your work” and “what works for you.’
Rob Leijdekkers
‘It is through the “not-knowing” that a stimulating and caring environment can be created to confidently share vulnerability.’
Risk Hazekamp
‘‘Understanding how creativity and imagination emerge from interactions with our environment will lead to improved innovation processes, tools and technologies.’’
Alwin de Rooij
‘Through an interplay of design and research, the apt questions and necessary tools can be discovered and applied to each research project.’
Antal Ruhl
‘How can we disrupt the notion of being human while staying true to being humane?’
Wander Eikelboom
‘Humans are atmospheric beings, particles, dust, in intimate cycles of exchange, actors with an incredible force.’
Annemarie Piscaer
‘How do we live together, how do we work together? How do we give shape and form to ‘being together’ in the broadest sense?’
Bas van den Hurk
‘Could experimental sensory translation of art works improve their accessibility for sensory diverse exhibition audiences?’
Eva Fotiadi
‘Disrupting our contemporary society can be a serious design goal.’
Eke Rebergen
‘I’m interested in how we can implement situated learning within design education.’
Sarah Lugthart
‘Within my practice I create spaces for introspection while exploring ethical dilemmas. ’
Renée van Oploo
‘How can the notion of the ‘script’ be used in a situated design practice? ’
Ollie Palmer
‘The ultimate goal is to provide people with the information, skills and tools that enable them to improve the quality of their daily lives.’
Simone van den Broek
‘A bio lab is a place of working with living organisms, brought out of their habitat so we can learn to think outside of the Petri dish. Let’s take care of these teachers!’
Michaela Davidová
‘My background in visual art makes me very involved in the content of the expertise centre.’
Wilma Diepens
‘I support Caradt's mission to redefine the intersection of art, design, and technology by enhancing the synergy between administration and innovative research. ’
Juliëtte Cuijpers
‘I am committed to ensure the highest quality in research, helping art and design play a transformative role in society through rigorous and integrative approaches.’
Anouk van Honk
‘I am dedicated to give a voice to stories and perspectives that have not yet been heard.’
Liza Swaving
‘To foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaborative innovation at Caradt, I am dedicated to communicate findings and innovations effectively. ’
Eline Timmermans
Art and design have an important role to play in the development of society. Caradt’s research aims to empower artists and designers to fulfil this role by generating theories, tools and methods to critically challenge the ‘natural order’ of things.
In order to do this, Caradt conducts practice-led research that integrates science, politics and technology into the field of art and design. The complexity of contemporary society requires such an integrative approach. Our research programme is developed in close collaboration with the educational departments of Avans University of Applied Sciences as well as external partners.
About CaradtResearch Group: Situated Art and Design
The research group Situated Art and Design sees an unprecedented need for artists and designers to consider aesthetics 'in the wild'.
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The research group Cultural and Creative Industries investigates the role of artists and designers as creative innovators and drivers of social and economic change.
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This research group wants to contribute to the development of societal relevance of the Biobased Economy.
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