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Xandra van der Eijk

Research Group: Biobased Art and Design (2018 – 2024)

‘In my work the concept of time is a recurring theme.’

Xandra van der Eijk is researcher within the Biobased Art and Design research group. She is also the Pathway Leader of Ecology Futures at the Master Institute of Visual Cultures. Xandra has recently accepted a PhD position at Ulster University in Northern Ireland.

Xandra van der Eijk graduated from the Interfaculty ArtScience at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague, after graduating from Graphic Design (BA) at the Royal Academy of Art, the Hague. Xandra investigates natural processes and elements, where the concept of time is a recurring theme. Through many experiments and thorough theoretical research these processes develop in conceptual works with a strong visual component. She documents and describes, but never fails to allow space for poetry.

As the Pathway Leader of the master programme Ecology Futures, across the curriculum, Xandra translates her research on human-made ecosystems and knowledge of biobased materials, into a critical MA pathway that brings forth artists that know how to imagine, shape and comment on alternative ecological futures. Xandra has recently accepted a PhD position at Ulster University in Northern Ireland.

Material Ecologies (2018 – 2023)

The starting point of this research are sacrifice zones (those areas and its indigenous people) designated for exploitation regardless of environmental destruction. 

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Research Group: Biobased Art and Design (2018 – 2024)

The research group Biobased Art and Design capitalises on the role of artistic practice in unlocking the unique potentials of living organisms for everyday materials and communicating these to a broader public. In doing so, the group aims to instigate and accelerate our widespread understanding, further development and usage of such materials. The group’s research approach encourages tangible interactions with the living organisms, such as algae, fungi, plants and bacteria, to explore and understand their unique qualities and constraints through diverse technical and creative methods taking artists, designers and scientists as equal and active partners in the material creation.

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‘The dynamic relationship between humans and living artefacts will continue to evolve reciprocally with mutual care.’

Elvin Karana arrow

‘I’m interested in how we can implement situated learning within design education.’

Sarah Lugthart arrow

‘The ultimate goal is to provide people with the information, skills and tools that enable them to improve the quality of their daily lives.’

Simone van den Broek arrow

‘It is through the “not-knowing” that a stimulating and caring environment can be created to confidently share vulnerability.’

Risk Hazekamp arrow

‘Exploring and integrating novel perspectives to our everyday through the eyes of fungi.’

Wasabii Ng arrow

‘Bacteria, Fungi, Humans, all part of the same experiment.’

Ward Groutars arrow

‘The pleasure of working in the [MI] lab is that microbiological research is carried out from two different approaches.’

John van der Werf arrow

‘I believe a collaborative and efficient lab can address both educational and research demands.’

Serena Buscone arrow

‘I am eager to explore how unique qualities of ‘living materials’ can transform the way we think, feel and act.’

Hazal Ertürkan arrow

‘Nature is a perfect example of an iterative design process. It is inspiring and full of exciting solutions.’

Clarice Risseeuw arrow

All people arrow

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