‘Disrupting our contemporary society can be a serious design goal.’
Eke Rebergen is a researcher within the Cultural and Creative Industries research group and a tutor at the Communication & Multimedia Design programme at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch.
Eke Rebergen graduated as a product designer from the master Design for Interaction at Delft University of Technology. He also obtained his teaching qualification as a physics teacher. In addition to his role as a tutor in Den Bosch, Eke is also involved in educational developments, and course and graduation coordination.
Critically deploy or resist algorithmic technologies
This promotion research focuses on various contemporary ecological, social, and ethical issues that are involved when using algorithmic technologies. Designers should take these issues into account while working on future developments. This research enables designers to critically deploy algorithmic technologies in various domains the upcoming years.
Rebergen, E. (2024, November). Presentation on ‘Decolonial Solidarities’ at ARTES Research Seminar: Democracy, War, and the Digital. Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational, and European Studies (ARTES), University of Amsterdam.
Rebergen, E. (2024, November). Response to Call for Papers: ARTES Research Seminar on Democracy, War, and the Digital. Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational, and European Studies (ARTES), University of Amsterdam.
Rebergen, E. (2024, November). Contribution to AI_Anxiety Presentation at INC Fest. Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam.
Rebergen, E. (2024, October). Participation in AI_Anxiety Workshop. AI_Anxiety, AHK Culture Club, Amsterdam
Rebergen, E.; Eikelboom, W. & Olma, S. (2021) ‘Looking for Trouble: Raising and Tackling Problems Through Design Research’, P. Joore, G. Stompff, J. van den Eijnde (eds.) Images of Design Research, Rotterdam: NADR, 100–110. Nederlands: Looking for Trouble. Problemen oprakelen en aankaarten door ontwerponderzoek. In P. Joure, G. Stompff, J. van den Eijnde (Reds.), Beelden van Applied Design Research. Nederland: Network Applied Design Research.
Rebergen, E. (2018) “Provocative community-based humanitarian design”, BunB Programme & proceedings.
Rebergen, E. (2017), Geen voorgeprogrammeerde disruptie maar furieus onderwijs voor creatievelingen, Networkcultures.org (Blog lectoraat Netwerkcultuur HvA), 3 Juli.
Research Group: Cultural and Creative Industries
The research group Cultural and Creative Industries investigates the role of artists and designers as creative innovators and drivers of social and economic change. Affiliated researchers analyse the cultural and creative industries from a critical point of view and examine the conditions under which timely forms of aesthetic expression and social connectedness can actually take place within the precarious reality of this field. What economic models are required by artists and designers to create a meaningful practice within the aesthetic, social, and economic intentions of the cultural and creative industries? What skills sets are required for those artists and designers who don’t just want to follow movements, but actually shape novel social and economic models of the future?
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