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Conference | Caradt at AHRA – Situated Ecologies of Care

On October 26th, Annemarie Piscaer from Caradt’s Research Group: Biobased Art and Design, will join the AHRA – Situated Ecologies of Care international conference (Architectural Humanities Research Association) hosted by the University of Portsmouth, UK. At the conference, the pedagogical research conversation between Kristina Kotov and Annemarie Piscaer “Garden of Earthly Delights”, will be presented during the paper presentation session ‘Patience in Placemaking’.
See more about the conference herearrow

LT Ranch, initiated by Kotov in northeast Lithuania, is a facility for residencies of ad hoc yet considered landscape for spontaneous spatial research, experimentation of cultural moments, gathering local stories, participants and guests’ own, as well as inventing collective types to share, as we humans carve spaces in the non-human environment on a seasonal basis.
Learn more about T Ranch herearrow

As a communal studio, a learning lab, LT Ranch corresponds with Piscaer’s research “The Garden as a Living Learning Lab, the garden that sees, smell and hears”. This research project,  aims to initiate a living learning laboratory in the garden of St. Joost School of Art & Design, in Breda. It uses the garden as a model for learning. Which resulted in a pedagogical guide that was based on case studies outlining how a more-than-human view can be implemented in the design education curriculum. The document is intended as a transferable DIY guide and compass aimed to support way-finding, (un)learning, and different ways of relating. It sets out four principles: mapping invisible habitats; zooming in and out of nonhuman worlds; interaction as a flux between actors; and augmented senses for noticing nonhumans.

For more information on Annemarie Piscaer’s research, see below.

The Garden that Sees, Smells, and Hears (2021 – 2024)

The Garden as a Living Learning Lab, a Living Sensor. The Garden that Sees, Smells, and Hears is a research project that aims to initiate a living learning laboratory in the garden of St. Joost School of Art and Design in Breda. It uses the garden as a model for learning.

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‘Humans are atmospheric beings, particles, dust, in intimate cycles of exchange, actors with an incredible force.’

‘We need to become attuned actors with a deeper understanding of all the other particles.’


Annemarie Piscaer is a researcher in the Situated Art, Design and Technology research group and tutor on the New Design and Attitudes study programme at St. Joost School of Art & Design.

Annemarie Piscaer arrow

Research Group: Biobased Art and Design

The research group Biobased Art and Design capitalises on the role of artistic practice in unlocking the unique potentials of living organisms for everyday materials and communicating these to a broader public. In doing so, the group aims to instigate and accelerate our widespread understanding, further development and usage of such materials. The group’s research approach encourages tangible interactions with the living organisms, such as algae, fungi, plants and bacteria, to explore and understand their unique qualities and constraints through diverse technical and creative methods taking artists, designers and scientists as equal and active partners in the material creation.

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