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New Impact Pathways for Biobased Art & Design | Workshop DDW 2022

Avans and Dutch Design Foundation host workshop at Dutch Design Week


Last week at Dutch Design Week, the Cultural and Creative Industries research project group From Award to Impact arroworganised a workshop, New Impact Pathways for Biobased Art & Design. The project, which is funded by CLICK NL, draws on innovative models from the economic sciences to design effective impact pathways that are founded on new insights.

After a tour of an exhibition, Ode to the Frontrunners, and a presentation, Possible Landscapes, both created by Stichting Nieuwe Helden – Biobased Creations, the group used a customized PIPA format (Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis) to design scenarios for more effective impact.

Following an introduction by Sebastian Olma, Kaj Morel presented several unorthodox economic models to workshop participants from Germany, Lithuania, Argentina, India, Australia and the Netherlands. The participants then came together in small groups to discuss this input, the impact they strive for with their designs, and what needs to change to increase or enhance that impact. Dries van Wageningen (Dutch Design Foundation) co-hosted the workshop.

The results of the workshop will be combined with the outcomes of the in-depth interviews carried out by researcher Estelle Nieuwenkamp, and then used as input for co-creation sessions later this year.

From Award to Impact (2022 – 2023)

The aim of this project is to design effective new impact pathways for creative interventions based on new insights, drawing on unorthodox models from the economic sciences. The project, which brings together creative designers, policy makers, and stakeholders, focuses on interventions that are aimed at accelerating the sustainable materials transition. We want to determine whether and how heterodox economic models can be used to develop new pathways, or to broaden existing pathways, that will increase the (environmental) impact of biobased solutions.

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‘Our research group investigates the role artists, designers and cultural producers in general can play in developing the aesthetics and poetics of a desirable future.’

Sebastian Olma is professor Cultural and Creative Industries. He works for the Expertise Centre Art, Design and Technology.

Sebastian Olma arrow

‘Consumers are creatures of habit. If we want them to break routine and live sustainably, we have to do more than just offer sustainable alternatives. ’

Estelle Nieuwenkamp is a researcher in the New Marketing research group at the Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Business, and tutor with the Academy for Marketing and Business Management at Avans, Breda.

Estelle Nieuwenkamp arrow

Research Group: Cultural and Creative Industries

The research group Cultural and Creative Industries investigates the role of artists and designers as creative innovators and drivers of social and economic change. Affiliated researchers analyse the cultural and creative industries from a critical point of view and examine the conditions under which timely forms of aesthetic expression and social connectedness can actually take place within the precarious reality of this field. What economic models are required by artists and designers to create a meaningful practice within the aesthetic, social, and economic intentions of the cultural and creative industries? What skills sets are required for those artists and designers who don’t just want to follow movements, but actually shape novel social and economic models of the future?

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