On Thursday 15 September, CASE (Centre for Arts & Sciences Education) officially opened.
CASE is a new discipline-transcending collaboration of six Universities of Applied Sciences and one ROC.
CASE focuses on practice-based research into educational renewal and social innovation around the themes: art, science and technology and social engagement. The joint partners will conduct this research in close cooperation with the field.
The opening offers a unique insight into the future of education in the Arts.
With Robbert Dijkgraaf, Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Marjolein Moorman, alderman of the Municipality of Amsterdam, Bert Verveld, AHK.
CASE programme board:
Emiel Heijnen, Melissa Bremmer, Michel Van Dartel, Anna Hotze, Hessel Nieuwelink, Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens, Bart van Rosmalen, Nadine van der Sluis, Úna Henry, Janine Stubbe.
More information: www.ahk.nl/onderzoek/case-centre-for-arts-sciences-education