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Committee on the positioning of Dutch HBO-education

The need on the labour market is high. The universities of applied sciences can alleviate some of this need, but they are shrinking; students are increasingly opting for university education. Meanwhile, universities are suffering from the increased student numbers and their identity as research universities is under threat; they are increasingly offering vocational programmes. What course should be taken before the tide comes in? This is what a new committee of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, consisting of Ron Bormans (Chairman of the Board of Governors of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) and eight professors, is going to investigate.

Caradt professor Sebastian Olma is one of the members of this committee

More information on this committee (Dutch language)arrow

An interview with Chair Ron Borman in Science Guide (Dutch)arrow


‘Our research group investigates the role artists, designers and cultural producers in general can play in developing the aesthetics and poetics of a desirable future.’

Sebastian Olma is professor Cultural and Creative Industries. He works for the Expertise Centre Art, Design and Technology.

Sebastian Olma arrow

Research Group: Cultural and Creative Industries

The research group Cultural and Creative Industries investigates the role of artists and designers as creative innovators and drivers of social and economic change. Affiliated researchers analyse the cultural and creative industries from a critical point of view and examine the conditions under which timely forms of aesthetic expression and social connectedness can actually take place within the precarious reality of this field. What economic models are required by artists and designers to create a meaningful practice within the aesthetic, social, and economic intentions of the cultural and creative industries? What skills sets are required for those artists and designers who don’t just want to follow movements, but actually shape novel social and economic models of the future?

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