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LIVING ARTEFACTS – Dasha Tsapenko, FUR_tlize: Shaping new domestic rituals in the intersection of Fashion and Food

Are there parallels between the kitchen and the dressing room? Between the processes of cookery and getting (un)dressed? Between the ritual of the meal and the sensation of wearing a garment? Between gardening and ironing? Fur_tilize is an ongoing project – experiment and case study – which merges two conventionally segregated areas of everyday life: food and dress. Starting with the question, ‘How can we humans coexist with our garments if they are living beings?’, the presentation follows the designer’s journey, through various collaborations with plants and fungi, towards the creation of a cyclical food-dress system. It also speculates on possibilities for a potential future home that is able to accommodate such coexistence and able to foster new rituals around it.

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‘The dynamic relationship between humans and living artefacts will continue to evolve reciprocally with mutual care.’

Elvin Karana is Research Professor of Biobased Art and Design at the Avans and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, leading the research group Materializing Futures at TU/Delft. 

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