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Workshop Miraculous Futures Living Materials – 17 Nov

Collaborate on speculative concepts and get inspired by living materials like algae, bacteria and mycelium

Together with other designers and entrepreneurs you will be working with a special edition of the Miraculous Futures card deck developed by Klasien van de Zandschulp and Ashley Baccus-Clark: a tool to develop speculative stories, worldbuilding and think beyond current possibilities. Speculative storytelling is a way to get a fresh look on the present and future and provides tools for radical ideas and shaping innovation.

The workshop is aimed at biodesigners, designers who are curious about working with living materials and entrepreneurs involved in working with innovative materials. By combining different kinds of expertise ((product)design/engineering/digital technology), this workshop can contribute to expanding your network, and can generate collaborations for future funding at GoCi (aimed at small businesses).

When: Wednesday Nov 17th 2021, 12.30 – 17.00 (incl. lunch)
Where: Academie St. Joost, Material Incubator Lab, Parallelweg 21, Den Bosch

The programme:
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:00 Introduction workshop
Keynote: World building and speculative storytelling with examples (Klasien, 10 min)
Bio design, focus research & design (Hazal & Sarah, 20 min)
14:00 – 14:30 Brainstorm & ideation (via card deck)
In groups of 4
14:30 – 16:15 World building and creating a story (via the templates provided)
Lab tour (every 20 minutes a new group will get a tour at the Material Incubator lab)
16:15 – 16:50 Present your concept to each other!
16:50 – 17:00 Wrap up

Participation is free, but please apply before Nov 10th since places are limited. To apply, send an email to caradt@avans.nlarrow

Organized by members of the Caradt research groups Bio-Based Art and Design & Situated Art and Design: Hazal Ertürkan & Sarah Lugthart in collaboration with Klasien van de Zandschulp / Affect Lab

Supported by GoCiarrow

Situated Learning & Immersive Storytelling in the Lab

What happens when immersive storytelling projects are developed in the context of a lab? How do students deal with the complexities brought about by the context of a lab? How might working in a lab influence the creative outcomes in storytelling? Are theses outcomes, for example, more immersive or innovative, more grounded in a scientific reality or socially relevant? 

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Living Material Experiences: Facilitating Experiential Understanding of Living Materials in Material Driven Design (2019 – 2023)

This research project aims to facilitate a holistic understanding of living material’ experiences in material-driven design. It focusses on novel design research approaches that not only foreground the role of material qualities but also the role of novel narrative forms in shaping our experiences with materials.   

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‘I’m interested in how we can implement situated learning within design education.’

Sarah Lugthart develops ethnographic methods to study immersive XR experiences and explores storytelling as a joint future-creation tool at CARADT. As a PhD candidate at the University of Porto, she blends theory and practice in immersive learning, contributing significantly to digital media and education.

Sarah Lugthart arrow

‘I am eager to explore how unique qualities of ‘living materials’ can transform the way we think, feel and act.’

Hazal Ertürkan is a researcher within the Caradt research group Biobased Art and Design. She also works as a design researcher and material designer at Delft University of Technology. Her current PhD project is collaboration between TU Delft and Avans Caradt.

Hazal Ertürkan arrow

Research Group: Situated Art, Design and Technology

Living in cities developed around data and acting within the inscrutable structure of our techno-society demands art and design that can help understand how we relate to these rapidly changing surroundings and to reflect on that relationship. The research group Situated Art, Design and Technology responds to this exigency by fostering a situated turn in art and design through a diverse portfolio of interdisciplinary research projects in partnership with academic and cultural partners, as well as with government and industry.

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