On Monday the 6th of September students of the Academy for Marketing & Business Management kick off a two-week pressure cooker on Unrealistic Marketing. Facilitated by Avans Innovative Studio, they will explore possibilities for a ‘paradoxical organization’. This organization aims to eliminate the difference between rich and poor. For this organization, the students will have to initiate various campaigns and clever actions during the pressure cooker. Their research question; How can you cost-effectively challenge the systemic problems surrounding the distribution of money? The students will shine their perspective on profitable concepts for effective interventions. With this, the intention is to work from an independent view and guarantee the organization’s continuity.
The pressure cooker addresses the research questions of Unthinkable Marketing, a new Cultural and Creative Industries research project by Susan Klijsen and Eke Rebergen. During the following year, Susan and Eke will explore unthinkable marketing as a suitable method to disrupt the theory and practice of marketing and thus create a space for new forms of marketing that focuses on a humane, fair, and sustainable society. The project aims to experiment with a radically different interpretation of marketing and take a position that at first sight is opposites to current marketing (practice). The research will develop a new marketing practice and, by extension, new marketing education.
The research project Unrealistic Marketing is a cross-sectoral collaboration between the research group New Marketing and the research group Cultural & Creative industries. More information on the research project will follow soon on caradt.nl.
During the pressure cooker, Susan and Eke will position themselves as clients, present the assignment, facilitate several feedback moments and complete the process with an assessment.