Elvin Karana’s and her co-authors’ recent paper on biodesign is now published online in the International Journal of Design. The paper, titled “Living Artefacts: Conceptualizing Livingness as a Material Quality in Everyday Artefacts”, offers a novel framework for biodesign.
“…Living Artefacts within their unusual ways, offer novel responsive behaviour and interaction possibilities, and new ways of doing and living, while raising critical questions about care, symbiosis, cohabitation, and adaptation. Taking livingness as a biological, ecological, and experiential phenomenon, in this article, we propose three principles—Living Aesthetics, Mutualistic Care, and Habitabilities—as fundamental loci of designing for livingness. We illustrate the three principles with several cases that help articulate a finer-grained understanding of their applicability in biodesign practice.”
Click here to download and read the paper: Living Artefacts: Conceptualizing Livingness as a Material Quality in Everyday Artefacts