Two papers co-authored by Caradt-researchers Misha Croes and Tara Karpinsky will be presented at the CHI conference in Hawaii from 25 to 30 April 2020.
Interaction Attention Continuum
The paper The Interaction Attention Continuum: An Education Case Study, by Misha Croes and Michel van Dartel will be presented at the conference.
The Interaction Attention Continuum (IAC) is a scale for the attention that is demanded from a user while he or she interacts with a product. Research on the IAC has shown that four considerations should be taken into account in its application as a design tool. In this paper, we explore how well the IAC performs in design education. A case study reveals that design students are able to take all four considerations into account in the application of the IAC. Yet, a fourth consideration – to take contextual considerations into account – poses a significant challenge to them. Our discussion of this finding, leads us to two obstacles for the application of the IAC in design education. Based on this discussion, we conclude that the fourth consideration may have to be replaced by the consideration to let the context of use this discussion, we conclude that the fourth consideration may have to be replaced by the consideration to let the context of use directly inform the design process.
The Blockchain and the Commons: Dilemmas in the
Design of Local Platforms
The paper The Blockchain and the Commons: Dilemmas in the Design of Local Platforms, by Tara Karpinsky Martijn de Waal, Gabriele Ferri, Dorlinda van Beek, Wouter Meys en Inte Gloerich will be presented at the conference. The paper is written in the context of the project Design thinking for the Circular Economy.
The paper addresses the design dilemmas that arise when distributed ledger technologies (DLT) are to be applied in the governance of artificial material commons. DLTs, such as blockchain, are often presented as enabling technologies for self-governing communities, provided by their consensus mechanisms, transparent administration, and incentives for collaboration and cooperation. Yet, these affordances may also undermine public values such as privacy and displace human agency in governance procedures. In this paper, the conflicts regarding the governance of communities which collectively manage and produce a commons are discussed through the case of a fictional energy community. Three mechanisms are identified in this process: tracking use of and contributions to the commons; managing resources, and negotiating the underlying rule sets and user rights. Our effort is aimed at contributing to the HCI community by introducing a framework of three mechanisms and six design dilemmas that can aid in balancing conflicting values in the design of local platforms for commons-based resource management.
CHI 2020
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. CHI is a place where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world to discuss the latest in interactive technology. CHI 2020 takes place from 25 untill 30 April in Honolulu, Hawaii.