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Ollie Palmer presents his research project @ Central Saint Martins | 9 Dec 2020

Researcher Ollie Palmer will give an online presentation about his research project Scripted Performances from 19:30 until 20:45 on 9 December 2020 at Central Saint Martins.


‘Scripts’ in design and architecture are usually associated with computer-based design programming. However, this narrow usage belies a rich vein of concepts intrinsic to design and authorship.

This presentation from Ollie poses the script as a useful critical and methodological tool within design, absorbing and reinterpreting ideas from behavioural psychology, computation, dance, immersive theatre, the Absurd, and the Oulipo. The talk is illustrated through a series of projects completed during Ollie’s residency at the Palais de Tokyo, PhD by Design at the Bartlett School of Architecture, and independent work, spanning dance, film, installation and data manipulation.

Information and registration

The presentation of Ollie is part of the Digital Innovation Season: Hybrid Futures seriesarrow of Central Saint Martens. You can sign uparrow for the online event for free.

Scripted Performances

This research project aims at answers to the question how the notion of the script’ (as invoked in computation, psychology, and performance) can be used in a situated design practice. 

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‘How can the notion of the ‘script’ be used in a situated design practice? ’

Ollie Palmer is a researcher within the Situated Art, Design and Technology research group. He is also the Pathway Leader of the Situated Design master’s programme at the Master Institute of Visual Cultures.

Ollie Palmer arrow

Research Group: Situated Art, Design and Technology

Living in cities developed around data and acting within the inscrutable structure of our techno-society demands art and design that can help understand how we relate to these rapidly changing surroundings and to reflect on that relationship. The research group Situated Art, Design and Technology responds to this exigency by fostering a situated turn in art and design through a diverse portfolio of interdisciplinary research projects in partnership with academic and cultural partners, as well as with government and industry.

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