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Caradt researcher Martine Stig is looking for testers for newly launched platform

Caradt researcher Martine Stig is looking for testers for her newly launched platform Wealgoarrow. If you want to take part in a test group, please contact Martine Stig,


Wealgoarrow blends face recognition software with video-meetup spaces. It’s an online gathering of customized biometric avatars driven by face recognition algorithms … a carnivalesque public playground, where Alter Algos meet. Wealgo enables you to customise your biometric self and meet other Alter Algo’s. Anonymous yet creating embodied experiences, it invites to playfully operate in the shadow or empowers to reinvent identity. Between face and mask, the biometric self merges former dichotomies and consolidates occupant and cloak, alter and ego, creating real experiences in a magical world.

To Play or to Profile …

Algoritms – as humans? – are trained to profile. This fixation of inherently fluid concepts such as: time, identity, ethnicity, gender, religion, clearly presents thé predicament our time is currently facing. WeAlgo aims to provide a space to play not to profile. By decoding the visual language of human ánd non-human, both are lost in translation and 68 facial landmarks a canvas to play with. Come and dance with other false-positives! We do not collect, store, share or sell data.

Private Space

Face recognition is based on the detection of meaningful biological facial landmarks and the extraction of this geometry into a set of – in our case 68 – predefined (x,y)-coordinates for: mouth, eyebrows, eyes, nose and jaw. This technology – ubiquitously used in AR-, law enforcement or entertainment applications – is the basis for your customisable avatar, the vehicle that allows us to be personally present, without surrendering our screen privacy. It both safeguards our private live whilst it makes transparent the information our effigies implicitly provide.

Cut Pollution

Instead of distributing compressed video streams, WeAlgo streams data points, which significantly reduces bandwidth, costs and thus carbon footprint. HD video conferencing bandwidth requirements run between 2-3 Mbps(up/down)* per user. Multiply this by the average time spent on a call (1hr) to end up with an average total of 810MB data per user per call.


If you want to take part in a test group, please contact Martine Stig,

Art for Machines & Vertigo (2020 – 2016)

The Art for Machines research focuses on the changes that the photographic image has undergone in the transition from analogue to digital and the consequences that this seemingly irrelevant transition has for the role of humans in image production. 

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‘Doing research connects my practice with teaching; it strengthens and brings them closer together.’

Martine Stig was a researcher within the Cultural and Creative Industries research group from 2016 until 2020. She is also a tutor at the Master Institute for Visual Cultures. She is co-founder of the practice and research-based art cooperative Radical Reversibility. 

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Research Group: Cultural and Creative Industries

The research group Cultural and Creative Industries investigates the role of artists and designers as creative innovators and drivers of social and economic change. Affiliated researchers analyse the cultural and creative industries from a critical point of view and examine the conditions under which timely forms of aesthetic expression and social connectedness can actually take place within the precarious reality of this field. What economic models are required by artists and designers to create a meaningful practice within the aesthetic, social, and economic intentions of the cultural and creative industries? What skills sets are required for those artists and designers who don’t just want to follow movements, but actually shape novel social and economic models of the future?

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Research Group: Regenerative Art and Design

The Regenerative Art and Design (RAD) research group seeks to form a new generation of regenerative designers and artists who will create transformative pathways for reimagining design futures grounded in care and ecological integrity.

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