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‘Talige’ expositie op Station Breda

Caradt-onderzoeker Laurens Kolks gaf vorige week een workshop Publiceren in de Publieke Ruimte aan studenten van de opleiding Grafisch| Ruimtelijk Ontwerp van AKV|St.Joost. De workshop resulteerde in een ‘talige’ expositie in een leegstaande ruimte in het Station Breda CS. Wethouder Marianne de Bie van de gemeente Breda opende de expositie afgelopen vrijdag.


De studenten Grafisch|Ruimtelijk Ontwerp werkten aan de expositie tijdens de workshopweek van de opleiding onder begeleiding van Laurens Kolks. Uiteindelijk is de tekst van studente Manon Keesmaat uitgekozen om tentoon te stellen.

‘Well beyond their common characterisation as problem-solvers, designers have a role to play in materialising public engagement with collective concern’

Laurens Kolks was a researcher at the Cultural and Creative Industries research group from 2018 until 2019 and is currently a tutor at St. Joost School of Art & Design.

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Research Group: Cultural and Creative Industries

The research group Cultural and Creative Industries investigates the role of artists and designers as creative innovators and drivers of social and economic change. Affiliated researchers analyse the cultural and creative industries from a critical point of view and examine the conditions under which timely forms of aesthetic expression and social connectedness can actually take place within the precarious reality of this field. What economic models are required by artists and designers to create a meaningful practice within the aesthetic, social, and economic intentions of the cultural and creative industries? What skills sets are required for those artists and designers who don’t just want to follow movements, but actually shape novel social and economic models of the future?

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